вторник, 19 сентября 2023
22 ноября 2022 года я составила полный список, когда показывали Sherlock BBC по российским каналам - Первому каналу и ПЯТНИЦЕ!, и хочу поделиться этими текстовыми файлами здесь - мало ли, может, кто не нашёл на Облаке папку? Только вот это было во времена, когда Облако на Mail.ru не поддерживало кириллицу, а по тому и все слова там на английском языке, а названия программ в документе-примечании - на английской "раскладке", но проячесть можно. Честно говоря, они не так важны - главное дата-время и название эпизода... правда, тоже оригинальные названия, а не наши... Короче говоря, ссылку на ту папку я тоже оставлю:
https://cloud.mail.ru/public/iNkK/PYauyen9d/archive/Sherlock BBC в России 2010-2022гг.
Расписание 2010-2022 с днями недели - _schedule_2010-2022_withDaysOfWeek.txt_:Расписание 2010-2022 с днями недели - _schedule_2010-2022_withDaysOfWeek.txt_:
Schedule of First chanel
18.09.(Sat) 22:50 - A Study In Pink
25.09.(Sat) 22:50 - The Blind Banker
02.10.(Sat) 22:50 - The Great Game
02.01.(Mon) 22:05 - A Scandal in Belgravia
03.01.(Tue) 22:05 - A Study In Pink
04.01.(Wed) 22:05 - The Blind Banker
05.01.(Thu) 22:05 - The Great Game
09.01.(Mon) 22:10 - The Hounds of Baskerville
16.01.(Mon) 22:30 - The Reichenbach Fall
03.01.(Fri) 23:00 - A Study In Pink
04.01.(Sat) 23:00 - The Blind Banker
05.01.(Sun) 23:10 - The Great Game
08.01.(Wed) 23:00 - A Scandal in Belgravia
09.01.(Thu) 23:20 - The Hounds of Baskerville
10.01.(Fri) 23:20 - The Reichenbach Fall
11.01.(Sat) 23:00 - The Empty Hearse
12.01.-13.01.(Sun-Mon) 01:05 - His Last Vow
18.01.(Sat) 23:00 - The Sign of Three
25.01.(Sat) 23:10 - His Last Vow
01.01.-02.01.(Fri-Sat) 00:01 - The Abominable Bride
01.01.-02.01.(Fri-Sat) 01:30 - A Study In Pink
02.01.-03.01(Sat-Sun) 00:15 The Blind Banker
03.01(Sun) 23:40 - The Great Game
04.01.(Mon) 21:20 - A Scandal in Belgravia
05.01.(Tue) 21:20 - The Hounds of Baskerville
06.01.(Wed) 21:20 - The Reichenbach Fall
07.01.(Thu) 21:20 - The Empty Hearse
08.01.(Fri) 21:20 - The Sign of Three
09.01.(Sat) 21:20 - His Last Vow
10.01.(Sun) 21:20 - The Abominable Bride
27.12.-28.12.(Tue-Wed) 00:30 - A Study In Pink
28.12.-29.12.(Wed-Thu) 00:30 - The Blind Banker
29.12.-30.12.(Thu-Fri) 00:30 - The Great Game
01.01.(Sun) 23:31 - The Six Thatchers
01.01.-02.01.(Sun-Mon) 01:00 - The Abominable Bride
08.01.-09.01.(Sun-Mon) 00:01 - The Lying Detective
15.01.-16.01.(Sun-Mon) 00:01 - The Final Problem
Schedule from First chanel (post S4):
27.12.-28.12.(Wed-Thu) 00:20 - A Study In Pink
28.12.-29.12.(Thu-Fri) 00:20 - The Blind Banker
29.12.-30.12.(Fri-Sat) 00:30 - The Great Game
02.01.-03.01.(Tue-Wed) 00:15 - The Six Thatchers
03.01.(Wed) 23:20 - The Lying Detective
04.01.(Thu) 23:25 - The Final Problem
05.01.(Fri) 23:20 - A Scandal in Belgravia
07.01.-08.01.(Sun-Mon) 00:30 - The Hounds of Baskerville
09.01.(Tue) 23:55 - The Reichenbach Fall
10.01.(Wed) 23:55 - The Empty Hearse
11.01.(Thu) 23:55 - The Sign of Three
12.01.(Fri) 23:20 - His Last Vow
Schedule from Friday! (postS4):
07.01.(Mon) 14:00 - A Scandal in Belgravia
07.01.(Mon) 15:50 - The Hounds of Baskerville
07.01.(Mon) 17:35 - The Reichenbach Fall
07.01.(Mon) 19:25 - The Empty Hearse
07.01.(Mon) 21:10 - The Sign of Three
07.01.(Mon) 22:55 - His Last Vow
08.01.(Tue) 14:00 - The Reichenbach Fall
08.01.(Tue) 15:45 - The Empty Hearse
08.01.(Tue) 17:30 - The Sign of Three
08.01.(Tue) 19:20 - His Last Vow
11.01.(Fri) 16:00 - The Abominable Bride
11.01.(Fri) 17:50 - The Six Thatchers
11.01.(Fri) 19:40 - The Lying Detective
11.01.(Fri) 21:30 - The Final Problem
12.01.(Sat) 16:00 - The Six Thatchers
12.01.(Sat) 17:50 - The Lying Detective
12.01.(Sat) 19:45 - The Final Problem
12.01.(Sat) 21:30 - The Abominable Bride
04.01.(Sat) 17:05 - A Study In Pink
04.01.(Sat) 18:55 - The Blind Banker
04.01.(Sat) 20:50 - The Great Game
05.01.(Sun) 15:30 - A Study In Pink
05.01.(Sun) 17:20 - The Blind Banker
05.01.(Sun) 19:10 - The Great Game
05.01.(Sun) 21:05 - A Scandal in Belgravia
06.01.(Mon) 15:30 - A Scandal in Belgravia
06.01.(Mon) 17:20 - The Hounds of Baskerville
06.01.(Mon) 19:10 - The Reichenbach Fall
06.01.(Mon) 21:05 - The Empty Hearse
07.01.(Tue) 15:30 - The Hounds of Baskerville
07.01.(Tue) 17:20 - The Reichenbach Fall
07.01.(Tue) 19:10 - The Empty Hearse
07.01.(Tue) 21:00 - The Sign of Three
07.01.(Tue) 22:55 - His Last Vow
08.01.(Wed) 15:30 - The Sign of Three
08.01.(Wed) 17:15 - His Last Vow
08.01.(Wed) 19:05 - The Abominable Bride
10.01.(Fri) 18:00 - The Six Thatchers
10.01.(Fri) 19:55 - The Lying Detective
10.01.(Fri) 21:50 - The Final Problem
10.01.(Fri) 23:40 - THe Abominable Bride
11.01.(Sat) 20:00 - The Six Thatchers
11.01.(Sat) 21:50 - The Lying Detective
11.01.(Sat) 23:45 - The Final Problem
03.01.(Sun) 20:05 - A Study In Pink
03.01.(Sun) 21:55 - The Blind Banker
04.01.(Mon) 22:00 - A Study In Pink
05.01.(Tue) 22:00 - The Blind Banker
06.01.(Wed) 22:00 - The Great Game
10.01.(Sun) 20:05 - A Scandal in Belgravia
10.01.(Sun) 21:55 - The Hounds of Baskerville
11.01.(Mon) 00:00 - The Reichenbach Fall
11.01.(Mon) 22:00 - A Scandal in Belgravia
12.01.(Tue) 22:10 - The Hounds of Baskerville
13.01.(Wed) 22:00 - The Reichenbach Fall
17.01.(Sun) 21:20 - The Empty Hearse
17.01.(Sun) 23:10 - The Sign of Three
18.01.(Mon) 01:00 - His Last Vow
18.01.(Mon) 23:00 - The Empty Hearse
19.01.(Tue) 23:15 - The Sign of Three
20.01.(Wed) 23:00 - His Last Vow
21.01.(Thu) 22:50 - The Abominable Bride
23.01.(Sat) 00:15 - The Abominable Bride
24.01.(Sun) 22:00 - The Six Thatchers
24.01.(Sun) 23:50 - The Lying Detective
25.01.(Mon) 01:45 - The Final Problem
25.01.(Mon) 23:00 - The Six Thatchers
26.01.(Tue) 23:00 - The Lying Detective
27.01.(Wed) 23:00 - The Final Problem
2022 (MyFirstSeriesOfVigils!!):
11.01.(Tue) 23:00(was 23:04msk) - A Study In Pink
12.01.(Wed) 23:00 - The Blind Banker
13.01.(Thu) 23:40 - The Great Game (I was watching begin and finish)
18.01.(Tue) 23:00 - A Scandal in Belgravia
19.01.(Wed) 22:40 - The Hounds of Baskerville (+ I was watching at 23:57mskMomentWhatIwasMemorysing)
20.01.-21.01.(Thu-Fri) 00:00 - The Reichenbach Fall
01.02.(Tue) 00:40 (I'm not sure, but think what it was at 00:38msk or 00:36msk!!) - The Empty Hearse
02.02.(Wed) 00:40 - The Sign of Three
03.02.(Thu) 00:10 - His Last Vow
04.02.(Fri) 00:30 - The Abominable Bride
04.02.(Fri) 23:50 - The Six Thatchers
05.02-06.02.(Sat-Sun) 00:00 - The Lying Detective (MyMomWatchedUntillEurusCameToSherlock!!)
06.02.-07.02(Sun-Mon) 00:00 - The Final Problem (begin and finish)А тут я оставлю примечания к этому файлику - _notesOn_schedule_2010-2022_withDaysOfWeek.txt_.txt_:А тут я оставлю примечания к этому файлику - _notesOn_schedule_2010-2022_withDaysOfWeek.txt_.txt_:
notes on _schedule_2010-2022_withDaysOfWeeks.txt_:
Made while listening to song "Mama" by Burito.
Notes on MyFirstSeriesOfVigils(2022, 11.01. - 07.02.):
Films or programms before Vigils on chanel "Friday!":
11.01.(Tue) 21:40-23:00(was to 23:04msk!!) - "Vunderkindy: Mitya Fomin i Yulia Savicheva"
12.01.(Wed) 21:30-23:00 - "Beliy Kitel: Seria 12"
13.01.(Thu) 22:40-23:40 - "Evgenich: Seria 10. Novogodnaya"
18.01.(Tue) 21:50-23:00 - "Vunderkindy: Victor Loginov i Nadezhda Angarskaya"
19.01.(Wed) 21:30-22:40 - "Beliy Kitel: Seria 12"
20.01.-21.01.(Thu-Fri) 22:30-00:00 - "Chetire svadybi: Svadyba v stile 90-h VS Dagestansko-russkaya svadyba"
31.01. - 01.02.(Mon-Tue) 23:30-00:40 (I'm not sure, but think what S3E01 was starting at 00:38msk or 00:36msk!!) - "Secretniy millioner: Vladimir Marinovich"
01.02. - 02.02.(Tue-Wed) 31:10-00:40 - "Vunderkindy: Dmitriy Guberniev i Slava"
02.02. - 03.02.(Wed-Thu) 23:00-00:10 - "Beliy Kitel: Seria 14"
03.02. - 04.02.(Thu-Fri) 22:40-00:30 - "Chetire Svadybi: Svadyba v stile Getsbi VS Kazashya svadyba"
04.02.(Fri) 21:50-23:50 - "Paddington 2"
05.02-06.02.(Sat-Sun) 22:50-00:00 - "Oryol i reshka. Zemlyane: Neizdannoe"
06.02.-07.02(Sun-Mon) 23:00-00:00 - "Na nozhah: Astrahan. Dvorik"
07.02.(Mon) after S4E03 at 01:50 - "Adskaya kuhnya: Vipusk 7"
/*--*/Вот... Единственное же, о чём я очень жалею, так это о том, что не успела узнать, когда его впервые показывали у него дома - в Великобритании... *вздох
* Ну, ничего! Когда-нибудь и это я отыщу и сохраню, как и эти две записки - на память... потомкам, ёлки-иголки!

мысли вслух,
Sherlock BBC,